It’s Time to End Bias in Medicine

But I’m Not Biased….

No one wants to believe that they carry bias in their medical practice but we all do. The key is to recognize our bias and take action. Common thoughts around bias in our medical practice sound like this.

  • Assuming that your patient must be lazy or lack self-control

  • Assuming that your patient doesn’t care about their health as much as thinner patients

  • Assuming that it’s okay to discuss the patient’s weight when they see you for an issue not related to weight

A Revolution in Medicine

Studies show that 65% of patients have been FAT SHAMED by their doctor. An overwhelming amount of data shows that weight bias affects the quality of care we provide and indeed HARMS patients. Studies show that weight bias impact how patients receive care and what kind of care they receive. It’s time for a revolution.


Weight Bias is really bad medicine

As medical professionals we took an oath to do no harm but our unchecked bias is harming our patients… Don’t Violate your oath. It costs nothing to be kind. We owe it to our patients and our profession TO DO BETTER.

Download this free guide created by the Obesity Action Coalition to understand more about obesity stigma in


Check Your Mind

it’s important to educate ourselves on the risks of weight bias. Do you have it? Take THE IMPLICIT BIAS TEST to address your own weight bias

Watch Your Mouth

Person first language is key in medicine. Never use the word OBESE. You have/are patients with obesity. We are people FIRST. We are not defined by our disease.

Choose Positive Imagery

Offices, medical clinics, hospitals need to be safe spaces for people with obesity. Below is a checklist to ensure that your clinical space is OBESITY FRIENDLY.

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Commit to Health at Every Size

Together we can end bias in medicine and treat patients with the care and compassion they deserve.

Health at Every Size Resources